December 16, 2020

Chairman Takano, VA Committee Secure Major Provisions for Veterans in End of Year Package

Press Contact

Jenni Geurink (202-819-4684)

WASHINGTON, D.C —Today, House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Chairman Mark Takano (D-Calif.) issued the following statement showcasing the major provisions the Committee secured for our nation’s veterans in H.R. 7105, As Amended, the Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020. This end of year legislative package is built around Rep. Levin’s Dependable Employment and Living Improvements for Veterans’ Economic Recovery (DELIVER) Act that passed the House earlier this year and includes several key provisions from Rep. Brownley’s Deborah Sampson Act


“After two years of hard work, the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs secured major victories for our veterans with key provisions in our final legislative package to support women veterans, expand benefits for homeless veterans, and ensure servicemembers and veterans impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic will be taken care of,” said Chairman Takano. “It’s only fitting that this monumental bipartisan effort is named after two of our own veteran colleagues-- Ranking Member Dr. Roe and Former Senate Chairman Isakson. I hope that we can continue this legacy of bipartisanship to keep getting results for our veterans as we move into the 117th Congress.”  


The House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs secured key provisions in the Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 including:? 




    • Benefits: These provisions would expand benefits to pre-Vietnam war era advisors, increase special pension for Medal of Honor surviving spouses, protect servicemembers claims for Traumatic Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance, required publication of VA’s Disability Benefit Questionnaires, and mandated research to help Agent Orange-exposed veterans who develop chloracne and porphyria cutanea tarda. Based on legislation introduced by Reps. Cox , LambKildeeBarr & Luria, and Courtney.

    • Housing: These provisions would expand eligibility for VA Home Loan Guaranty Program to more members of the National Guard and Reserves, reduce the home loan funding fee for veterans impacted by disasters, and extend home loan funding fee rates through 2030. This includes provisions sponsored by Reps. Cunningham, Mast, and Correa.

    • Reform collections of overpayments to beneficiaries: Requires new rules for VA collections of debts owed by beneficiaries to avoid unnecessary harm to veterans credit ratings, as well as prevent many overpayments from happening due to eligibility changes. This includes provisions sponsored by Reps. Pappas and Bost, and Senator Tester.

    • Burial Matters: These provisions expand federal aid to counties for veterans’ cemeteries; increases funds for State, county, and tribal veterans’ cemeteries operating and maintenance expenses; and provides urns and commemorative plaques for deceased veterans.  This includes legislation sponsored by Reps. DelgadoSablan, and Brindisi.


  • Long Term Care
    • Enhanced oversight for state veterans homes regarding COVID-19 infections, response capacity, and staffing levels.

    • Waiver of VA requirements for receipt of per diem payments for domiciliary care at state veterans homes and modification of eligibility for such payments based on legislation from Rep. Golden

    • Expansion of modifications to Veteran Directed Care program.

  • Native Veterans
  • Scheduling and Consult Management
      • Provisions included establish a process for scheduling internal VA appointments and community care appointments, require VA to provide for an initial audit of appointment scheduling, require VA to review its staffing and training, and require VA to determine whether health care positions involved in the consultation and scheduling process are accurately graded.
    • Other: VA pilot program for clinical observation by undergraduate students based on legislation from Rep. Kaptur

Navy Seal Bill Mulder

    • Retraining Assistance for Veterans
      • The legislation provides VA and Labor Secretaries access to the Federal directory of new hires to assist in veterans employment, expand the VET TEC training program for more veterans, extend the Off-Base Transition Training program, and direct VA to provide grants to community organizations for veteran transition assistance programs. This includes provisions introduced by Rep. Levin.

Deborah Sampson Act - Based on the House passed Deborah Sampson Act led by Chairwoman Brownley, this title would eliminate barriers to care and services that many women veterans face and would help ensure the VA can address the needs of women veterans-- who are more likely to face hardships and go without needed health care. By expanding access to care for women veterans, combatting sexual harassment and assault, increasing cultural competency for all VA staff, and improving data collection, this is the most comprehensive legislative package for women veterans in a decade. 

Servicemember Civil Relief Act

    • This title would extend Servicemember Civil Relief Act protections to catastrophically injured servicemembers and their spouses, members of the US Coast Guard, and Gold Star Spouses based on legislation from Rep. Bustos.

Other – This title establishes certain administrative protocols not covered in the other titles and clarifies matters relating to the Chief Financial Officer of the VA.

    • Rep. Rice’s provision would authorize the Secretary to give preference to offerors that employ veterans, in awarding a VA contract for the procurement of goods or services.

    • Included is a provision from Rep. Rose to extend USERRA protections to National Guardsmen responding to natural disasters, serving on State Active Duty orders,  or during a National Emergency as designated by the President. 

    • Administrative and Other Matters

      • This would establish an Advisory Committee on Tribal and Indian Veteran Affairs based on legislation from Rep. Haaland.

      • Extend Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) benefits to National Guardsman that meet certain criteria, extend beneficiary protections for fiduciary misuse of a benefit, make changes to how the VA must respond to standard form 95, require the VA to implement steps addressing “high risk” problems and submit several reports to Congress regarding GAO concerns and recommendations. Includes provisions sponsored by Senator Tester and Reps. Roe, Levin, and Pappas.

      • Protects veterans from fraud at the hands of their fiduciary by closing a loophole that prevented some veterans from recovering misused funds based on a provision sponsored by Rep. Brownley.

    • Matters Relating to the Chief Financial Officer of the Department of Veterans Affairs

      • This subtitle would require the VA CFO to improve internal financial controls and be more involved in the performance of subordinate financial officers. Includes provisions sponsored by Reps. Lee and Bergman.


For a section-by-section summary of H.R. 7105, the Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020, click here.

